Advocate. Network. Innovate.

Breakout Sessions for May 29, 2025 

Concurrent Session 1

Concurrent Session 2

Concurrent Session 3

9:00 a.m. – 10:10 a.m. 

10:30 a.m. – 11:40 a.m.

2:00 p.m. – 3:10 p.m.

Empowering Leaders: Crafting a Visionary Path to Sustainable Solution-Focused Leadership

Jared Mader, Director of Educational Technology, Lincoln IU 12

Ben Smith, Assistant Director of Educational Technology Services, Lincoln IU 12

Navigating the Mosaic of Leadership: Due Process for Employees in Pennsylvania

Attorney Ellis Katz, Attorney, Sweet Stevens Katz and Williams

AI and IUs: Planning for the Unknown

Dr. John Kurelja, Executive Director, Central Susquehanna IU 16

Dr. Bernadette Boerckel, Chief Outreach Officer, Central Susquehanna IU 16

Understanding and Advocating for the Twice Exceptional Student

Dr. Corinne Conner, Supervisor of Professional Learning, Lincoln IU 12

Jackie Deardorff,  Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) Supervisor, Lincoln IU 12

Dr. Matthew McLaughlin, Professional Development Specialist, Lincoln IU 12

Tanya Morret, TaC Supervisor, Lincoln IU 12

Casting the Pod! Podcasting 101

Dr. Greg Koons, Executive Director, Carbon Lehigh IU 21

Painting Your Curriculum: A Storyboard Plot Twist

Dr. Matthew McLaughlin, Professional Development Specialist, Lincoln IU 12

Dr. Corinne Conner, Supervisor of Professional Learning, Lincoln IU 12

Rebecca Gibboney, Director of Educational Planning, BlaST IU17

Indirect Cost Rate: Calculating, Maximizing Use, and Strategies for ICR Budgets

Gina Brillhart, Assistant to the Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer, Lancaster-Lebanon IU 13



2024-25 Aspiring Leaders Wrap-Up Session

Kim Talipan, J.D., Assistant to the Executive Director, Carbon Lehigh IU 21

Dr. Brad Landis, Assistant Executive Director, Montogmery County IU 23

Dr. Kendra Trail, Assistant Executive Director, Lincoln IU 12

Starting with a Solid Foundation: Addressing Mental Health in Schools through Project AWARE

Dr. Pia Houseal, Program Administrator for Project AWARE, Montgomery County IU 23

Building Resilient Workplaces: Strategies for Trauma-Informed Leadership

Dr. Laura Sharp, Pupil Personnel Supervisor, Lincoln IU 12

Dr. Laura McCusker, Assistant Director Educational Services, Lincoln IU12

Broken Crayons to Picassos: The Role of Education Liaisons in Supporting Children Experiencing Homelessness

Dr. Jennifer Leese, Director of Student Service and District Engagement, Lincoln IU 12

Sonia Pitzi, Region 3 ECYEH coordinator

Beyond the Talent Show:  Using Dance and Movement to Support ALL Learners

Dr. Mary Agnes DeCicco, Program Director of Federal and Nonpublic Programs, Bucks County IU 22

Kelly McGovern, Program Coordinator, Bucks County IU 22

AI in Special Education

Dr. Christopher McCabe, TAC, Beaver Valley IU 27

Leading with Purpose: Integrating Literacy Data and Relationship-Building for Effective Instructional Leadership

Dr. Todd VanNortwick, Supervisor of Professional Learning and Auxiliary Services, Colonial IU 20

Keri Ramsay, Assistant Director of Professional Learning, Colonial IU 20

Capitalizing on Student Interest: Designing Learning Experiences and Services that are Student Centered

Kammas Kersch, STEM Services Coordinator, Chester County IU 24

Dr. Josh Ecker, Learning Design Coordinator, Chester County IU 24

Masterpieces in Motion: Empowering Change Through Collective Problem-Solving

Ben Smith, Asst Director of Technology, Lincoln IU 12

Rebecca Gibboney, Director of Educational Planning, BLaST IU 17

Heather Heimer, Assistant Director of Professional Learning, Colonial IU 20

Kelsi Boyles, Education Program Specialist, Riverview IU 6

Painting your Knowledge Canvas with NotebookLM

Nicole Bond, Supervisor of Educational Technologies, Lincoln IU 12

Jigar Patel, Coordinator of Innovation & Special Projects, Tuscarora IU 11

Kendy Schiffert, Program Administrator, Berks County IU 14

Structured Conversations for Efficient and Collaborative Problem Solving

Dr. Keith Watson, Assistant Director of Student Services, Capital Area IU 15

Kelly Evans, Assistant Supervisor of Non-Public and ELD School Services, Capital Area IU 15

Meeting the Mandates: What is required and strategies for complying with School Safety and Security Training

Dr. Aaron Skrbin, Director of Safety and Security, Allegheny IU 3


Unravelling the Web: Making Sense of School Safety and Security Technology

Dr. Aaron Skrbin, Director of Safety and Security, Allegheny IU 3


Telling Your Story: Driving Engagement and Innovation Through Strategic Communication

Ashley Boyd, CCIU Communications Manager, Chester County IU 24

Jennifer Chicosky, Marketing & Community Engagement Manager, Chester County IU 24

Opening and Sustaining Partial Hospitalization Programs

Kelly Dickey, Director of Special Education, Northeastern Educational IU 19

Jessica Iacovazzi, Mental Health Treatment Specialist, Northeastern Educational IU 19

Vanessa Nee, Supervisor of Special Education, Northeastern Educational IU 19

Anne Kennell, Assistant Supervisor of Special Education, Northeastern Educational IU 19

Building Our Future Workforce Together Through Teacher Apprenticeship

Alan Hack, Ed.D., Assistant Executive Director/Chief Academic Officer, Central Susquehanna IU 16

Jennifer Rawson, Coordinator of Apprenticeship Programs, Bucks County IU 22

Katherine Vastine, CARES Leadership Coordinator, Central Susquehanna IU 16

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