Advocate. Network. Innovate.

PAIU Governance

Board of Directors 

PAIU is governed by a board of directors comprised of the 29 intermediate units that operate in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is comprised of the board officers: president, vice president, treasurer and secretary; Past-president is also an ex-officio member.

2023-2024 Executive Committee

President - Dr. Andria Saia

Treasurer: Dr. Eric Rosendale

Immediate Past President: Dr. Shawn Kovac

President-Elect: Dr. Gregory Koons

Secretary: Dr. Robert Scherrer


PAIU has a number of board committees and work groups that inform decision-making and support the work of IUs statewide.


PAIUnet is a statewide, high-speed educational network that enables educators and students throughout Pennsylvania to create, communicate, collaborate and share valuable resources to enhance student learning. It increases connectivity between Pennsylvania IUs and school districts providing access to content and resources that will transform the way educational services and information are delivered.

PAIUnet connects all 29 IUs and their member school districts throughout the commonwealth. It also connects public library systems and charter schools. This project will have an impact on all areas of IU and school services from the business office to the classroom.

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