View all 2025 Sponsors/Exhibitors Sponsor/Exhibitor registration for the May 2025 Conference is now open. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: May 2, 2025 TO REGISTER, CLICK HERE The Pennsylvania Association of Intermediate Units’ Annual Conference provides professional development and networking opportunities to over 365 senior-level IU leaders annually. The 2025 PAIU Annual Conference will be held at Kalahari Resort in Pocono Manor, PA from May 28-30. To enhance our business partners' experience, we work to maximize your networking opportunities throughout the conference & provide a profitable return on your investment. This year, we're introducing a new meeting space layout with an open concept that removes all air walls separating the exhibit hall from the ballroom/main session space to increase foot traffic, holding all breaks (and both pre-dinner receptions) in the exhibit hall, color coding attendee name badges listing Job Alike group affiliation, and awarding raffle prizes to encourage visiting exhibit tables. 2025 Sponsorship Options*: Conference Gold Sponsor: $12,000 As a Gold Sponsor, you will have the opportunity to fully engage with IU leaders throughout the conference, and to present your company’s products/services and partnership opportunities to IU Executive Directors. Gold Sponsorship** includes the following:
During the conference, meals and receptions are provided to conference participants. Sponsorship fee includes all meals/receptions for ONE company representative for the duration of the conference, starting with Wednesday's reception/dinner ($499 charge for each additional representative attending). Below is a listing of these sponsorships with the date, cost and the details of the benefits:
Exhibitor Only: $2,950 (limited spots available) Throughout this conference, opportunities are provided for IU participants to interact with PAIU business partners and visit their exhibit booths located in the exhibit hall. These exhibit booths (includes an 8-foot x 2.5 foot table) will be in ideal locations to foster networking. Electricity and wireless internet access are included. Sponsor/Exhibitor fees include all meals/receptions for ONE company representative for the duration of the conference, starting with Wednesday's reception/dinner ($499 charge for each additional representative attending). A registered sponsor/exhibitor may, upon written request (email Michele Clancy) receive a full refund of a paid registration fee as long as the cancellation request is received by the PAIU office by Friday April 25, 2025. NO refunds will be granted for requests received AFTER 4/25, since PAIU becomes liable for venue costs.
*pricing subject to change **NEW Gold sponsors must be approved by the PAIU Board of Directors prior to receipt of payment TO REGISTER, CLICK HERE Schedule: Exhibitor set-up: Wednesday, May 28th from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (at the latest) (outgoing shipping can be arranged with Convention Service Manager prior to end of event. Vendor is responsible for all shipping costs) For Full Conference schedule, click here Kalahari Shipping & Delivery Instructions (shipments received more than 3 days prior to 5/28 subject to $150/day storage fee): Kalahari Resort Shipping Address: 250 Kalahari Blvd. Pocono Manor, PA 18349 Please include the following information on the label affixed to your package(s): Name of Event: PAIU Conference / Date of Event: 5/28-30/2025 Name of Your Company: / Name of On-site Contact for Your Company: Booth Number: Kilimanjaro West Name of Resort Contact: Veronica Nardello To expedite delivery of items shipped to your assigned exhibit booth upon arrival, please complete Kalahari's Request for Package Shipping & Delivery form and email to: There will be an $8 charge to your authorized credit card for each box/package/tube (weighing 0-35 lbs) shipped to Kalahari (this Advanced Rate is available for vendors completing/returning the form a minimum of 5 business days prior to event start date--by 5/22/25). Forms received after 5/22 or on the start date of the event (5/28) will be charged standard rate ($10 for packages 0-35 lbs). Refer to the form for additional rates based on package size/weight. If you have questions, please email |