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PAIU Values Its Business Partners

Whether your company promotes educational resources or supports the back office operations, your contribution to education through providing products and services vital to administering strong educational programs is vital to supporting Pennsylvania's schools. Collaboration with intermediate units across the state through PAIU can be a game-changer for making connections and speaking with education decision-makers.

Welcome to the PAIU Business Partner Portal, where collaboration and partnership are valued. As a business partner of PAIU, your investment goes beyond mere financial support; it signifies a commitment to empowering the future leaders through bringing the best products and services to education through the power and reach of IUs. By aligning with us, you become an integral part of a dynamic professional community dedicated to fostering academic excellence, innovation, and growth. Together, we can continue to cultivate an educational system that nurtures creativity, talent, problem-solving and drives meaningful change, all for the ultimate benefit of Pennsylvania's schools, educators and students.

To learn more, email or call PAIU at 717.732.8463 during business hours.

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