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PDE PAsmart Student-Centered Learning Project

Did you know Pennsylvania Intermediate Units support schools by implementing Student-Centered Learning models? In collaboration with the PA Department of Education (PDE) through PAsmart funding, IUs have developed a statewide network and resources on the PAIU OER Commons Hub.

PDE and Intermediate Units Collaborate to Support Students

Dr. Demetrius Roberts, Director of Teaching and Learning Services for the CCIU and Special Consultant to PDE for STEM and Computer Science, has been working on a Student-Centered Learning (SCL) project as part of his role with PDE. This project pulls together the collective efforts of leads from each IU. 

Dr. Roberts has sought permission to co-brand the SCL project's initiatives as a PAIU and PAsmart collaboration to support the sharing of publicly-facing resources created from the project. We want to ensure that you are aware of the work being done across the PAIU system and bring any questions or concerns to light.

What is it?

There are four core initiatives of the SCL project:

  • SCL Promising Practices Digital Resource Book: We contributed to developing a digital resource book containing 24 stories from schools, districts, charter schools, and IU programs. These stories highlight promising practices in student-centered learning and serve as foundational resources for educators across the state.

  • SCL Microsite on the PAIU OER Commons Hub: Additionally, our team has played a pivotal role in establishing an SCL Microsite on the PAIU OER Commons Hub, serving as a centralized repository for accessing student-centered learning resources. This hub empowers educators with readily accessible materials, fostering ongoing professional development and collaboration in advancing student-centered instructional practices.

  • SCL Implementation Blueprint Tool: We have played a key role in collaborating with Penn State University's Study Council to create an SCL Implementation Blueprint tool. The Blueprint tool provides each IU SCL point of contact with a framework to guide teams of district administrators, school leaders, and educators through collaborative visioning, self-assessment, and goal-setting exercises to create or expand SCL practices to improve student outcomes.

  • Statewide SCL Professional Learning Network: We are also supporting the development of a statewide professional learning network to facilitate knowledge exchange, sharing of best practices, and collaboration among school leaders and IU points of contact. This network is instrumental in fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in student-centered learning for educational leaders.

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